- Environmental cosmic acceleration from a phase transition in the dark
Christiansen, Hassani, Mota (2024),
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2025(01), 043.
- Gravitational waves from dark domain walls
Christiansen, Adamek, Hassani, Mota (2024) [accepted to JCAP]
- asimulation: Domain formation and impact on observables in resolved
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Christiansen, Hassani, Mota (2024),
Astronomy & Astrophysics Volume 689, article 6.
- asevolution: a relativistic N-body implementation of the (a)symmetron,
Christiansen, Hassani, Jalilvand, Mota (2023),
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2023(05), 009.
- Charged Black Hole Mergers: Orbit Circularisation and Chirp Mass Bias,
Christiansen, Beltrán Jiménez, Mota (2020),
Classical and Quantum Gravity, volume 38, issue 7, 24 pp.
- Gravitational and electromagnetic radiation from binary black holes with
electric and magnetic charges: elliptical orbits on a cone
Lang, Christiansen, Wen-Hong, Zong-Kuan, Rong-Gen and Sang-Pyo (2020),
European Physical Journal C 81, 1048.
- Gravitational and Electromagnetic Radiations from Binary Black Holes
with Electric and Magnetic Charges: Circular orbits on a cone
Lang, Christiansen, Zong-Kuan, Rong-Gen and Sang-Pyo (2020),
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- Cosmological Simulations of Phase Transitions in Screened Scalar-Tensor
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Ph.D. thesis (2024), at University of Oslo
- Charged Black Hole Mergers: Emissions, Orbital Evolution, Gravitational
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M.Sc. thesis (2020), at University of Oslo